Sunday, August 29, 2010

the final stage...

* Analysis:
(use observations &data to explain. discuss if hyporthesis is correct, if wrong explain why)

- According to the obsevations and the data we have collected, our hyporthesis is right. When we performed the experiment we observed that time taken for the plasticine to break gets shorter and shorter. This was also shown in the results that we have tabulated.

(any reasons for doubting vadility. any areas of improvement)

There is a possibility of a parallax error as the meter rule that we use to measure the thickness of the plasticine was placed wrongly at different times. But we managed to avoid this parallax error simply by placing the scales of the meter rule to be touching the plasticine

The explanation..!?

As you can see, when the weights are placed onto the plasticine, there is force (orange lines) acting downwards on the plasticine. The mass of the weights in addition with the force causes the plasticine to expand as it stretches downwards. This causes the length of the plasticine to increase but it will also cause the thickness of the plasticine to decrease. These two points that we’ve mentioned has an effect to the strength of the plasticine. As a result, the strip of plasticine becomes too thin and weak to withstand the weights and in the end breaks in half, causing both the plasticine strip and the weights to fall.

what happened during the experiment???

- in (1), it is how it look like once the weights were placed on the plasticine
- in (2), you can see that the plasticine has started to bend downwards (pink lines) due to the pressure of the force (orange line)
- in (3), the plasticine is stretched further downwards causing the plasticine to become longer and thinner
- finally, in (4), the the plasticine becomes extremely thin and is not able to hold onto the weights, causing it to break and fall

Saturday, August 28, 2010

other ways...

The experiment that we have carried out is way of solving the problem question....if you have forgotten what is the question...we have written it below...
still, we think that there are definitely more than one way to solving this problem...and we would definitely appreciate it if you can give us suggestions too...!

thanks for helping!!! <3

results time !!!

We have conducted the experiment and tablulated the results as shown below...

As you can see from the table and graph drawn above, you can tell that the hyporthesis concluded was proven true from the experiment that we have done.

How the experiment will look like....

for those people who cant imagine what the experiment will look like, this picture below is how the experiment will be brought out.. :

A picture drawn by one of the scientists

the experiment...!!

For this science project, we will carry out the experiments as follows:

1) Firstly, the strip of plasticine will be stuck between the two tables
2) We will be timing the duration of the experiment using a stopwatch
3) As we place the different weights onto the plasticine, the stopwatch will start timing at the same moment
4) We will stop the time once the plasticine has been broken into two seperated pieces
5) We will then repeat the experiment again, but with a different mass in the weights
( eg. 250g, 300g, 350g, 400g )
6) Once the experimentation is done, we are going tabulate the resuls and record them in the form of tables and charts.

the apparatus..!

This are the things that will be needed during the experiments:

a stopwatch

an electronic balance


and plasticine!!

What do we expect from this experiment???

From this experiment that we are conducting, we hope to see the "happenings" of the experiment to be as what we had expected.

* The variables:
- Same length & mass of plasticine
- Same height of tables
- Distance between the two tables
- The position of weights placed on the plasticine

2. Independent & dependent variables:
Independent variable:
- The force applied (load it carries)
Dependent variable:
- Time taken for the plasticine to break

* The hyporthesis:
 The greater the force applied, the shorter the time taken for the plasticine to break

The problem question...

1. project title:
- how the strength of a plastic strip is affected by the force applied( load it carries) ???

2. ProBleM QuEsTion...:
- to investigate how the force applied(load it carries) affects the time taken for the plasticine strip to break

The Team!! :D

Before we start on the experiments, we would like to introduce you the team!!!

The scientists at work - Fatin, Sarah, Regine & Syazana

Welcome Frenemies!!!

Welcome to the science group netballerz! An enthrilling journey right up for you!!

Do comment our posts..... thx!!